MegaMix HRM simplifies HRM-PCR with its 2X mix featuring chemically modified Hot Start Taq polymerase and microGREEN dye in an optimized buffer for HRM analysis. The polymerase is inactive until 95°C, ensuring high sensitivity and specificity, preventing non-specific amplification. Ideal for GC-rich templates, it delivers reproducible results with minimal optimization.
Save Time and Money—quickly and efficiently identify sequence variations.
Specificity—Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase in optimised buffer eliminates non-specific amplification and the formation of primer dimers.
Sensitivity—detect class 4 SNP.
Versatile— compatible with standard and fast cycling conditions, GC/AT rich templates.
Reproducibility and convenience—ready to use 2X format.
Third generation intercalating dye— no inhibition of PCR, even at high concen-trations, suitable for High Resolution Melting.
High Resolution Melt (HRM) analysis:
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) genotyping
Methylation analysis
Mutation scanning
Detection of sequence variations
Available in the following formats:
5 x 1mL
10 x 1mL
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