MacroCLEAN – Genomic DNA Clean Up


MacroCLEAN is a Microzone product that provides a rapid and easy single tube clean up of genomic DNA. Excellent for when you need to ensure samples are all in the same buffer. This produces a more reliable condition for downstream applications, storage, and use.

MacroCLEAN is a Microzone product that provides a rapid and easy single tube clean up of genomic DNA. Excellent for when you need to ensure samples are all in the same buffer. This produces a more reliable condition for downstream applications, storage, and use.

Simple One tube centrifugation technique.
Quick – Samples can be turned around rapidly.
DNA is very clean after processing, and you should not expect to see the pellet.

Quick and simple genomic DNA clean up in a single tube
Formulated to capture large DNA molecules

MacroCLEAN can be used to clean up genomic DNA samples.
Clean up and rehydrate Genomic DNA from different sources easily and rehydrate in common buffer.
Clean up dsDNA over 2Kb post PCR.

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