Somatic Mutation Detection Kit

Quantity: 50 Tests


The Somatic Mutation Screening Kit from Genmark is a cutting-edge tool designed for the precise identification of somatic mutations, distinguishing normal alleles from those with as low as 0.5% mutation frequency. This kit utilizes a combination of ordinary analysis and polymerase chain assays, specifically ASO-Realtime-PCR, to amplify mutated regions from genomic DNA. Following amplification, allele-specific PCR analysis is employed to differentiate between normal and mutated alleles. The kit includes all necessary components for a comprehensive analysis, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in detecting somatic mutations in various genes.

The Somatic Mutation Screening Kit from Genmark is a cutting-edge tool designed for the precise identification of somatic mutations, distinguishing normal alleles from those with as low as 0.5% mutation frequency. This kit utilizes a combination of ordinary analysis and polymerase chain assays, specifically ASO-Realtime-PCR, to amplify mutated regions from genomic DNA. Following amplification, allele-specific PCR analysis is employed to differentiate between normal and mutated alleles. The kit includes all necessary components for a comprehensive analysis, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in detecting somatic mutations in various genes.

  • High Sensitivity: Capable of distinguishing normal from mutated alleles with a sensitivity of 0.5%, allowing for the detection of low-frequency somatic mutations.
  • ASO-Realtime-PCR Technology: Employs allele-specific oligonucleotide real-time PCR for precise amplification and analysis of mutated regions in genomic DNA.
  • Comprehensive Kit Components: Includes all necessary reagents and controls for conducting somatic mutation screening assays.
  • Accurate Mutation Detection: Enables the reliable identification of somatic mutations, essential for research and clinical diagnostics.
  • User-Friendly: Simplifies the process of somatic mutation screening with pre-measured reagents and a straightforward protocol.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for analyzing a wide range of genes implicated in various diseases and conditions.
  • Research and Clinical Diagnostics: Ideal for detecting somatic mutations in genes associated with cancer, genetic disorders, and other diseases.
  • Genetic Screening: Can be used for screening populations or individuals at risk of genetic mutations, aiding in early detection and intervention strategies.
  • Technology: ASO-Realtime-PCR for allele-specific amplification and analysis.
  • Sensitivity: Detects mutations with a minimum frequency of 0.5%.
  • Compatibility: Designed for use with all real-time PCR instruments capable of detecting FAM and VIC/HEX signals.
  • Kit Contents: Includes 2 X Master Mix, Mutation Primer Probe Mix, ddH2O, and Positive Control, with volumes specified for complete analysis.

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